Becoming a truck driver means working hard to acquire the education and skills required. It means studying the CDL manual, and taking the CDL exam. It means getting behind the wheel of a truck, and flawlessly navigating the road test and pre-trip inspection. If your eyes are glazing over after reading these details, don’t worry. We’re going to guide you in the right direction.
Oklahoma City CDL Training
The first thing you need is to get the appropriate CDL training in or near Oklahoma City. Here are a few locations to get you started:
Oklahoma Department of Education
2800 N Lincoln Blvd 160b
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Driver Training Inc
1101 SE 59th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73129
American Truck Training Inc
5501 S I 35 Service Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73129
American Truck Training School
2501 SE 15th
Oklahoma City, OK 73129
Moving Forward
When pursuing an education for truck driving, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. For instance, you need to understand what financing is available. You also need to know if the training facility you pursue offers job placement services. The good news is that most schools do offer financing of some sort, where it’s through governmental aid or through personal loans. Veterans can often have their training completely comped thanks to the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Regardless, just know this: if you need help in finding a CDL training facility in or near Oklahoma City, it’s available. We can help you. is designed to pair truck driving students with the right school and to assist them with locating financing and job opportunities upon graduation. Help is available. Call us at 1-800-TRUCKER today!